What's up with all the disclaimers?

What’s up with all the disclaimers?

If you’ve clicked around on the Adornleaf Tea Co. website, you’ve likely noticed a whole lot of talk about the fact that we don’t profess to heal or cure any illnesses and that we can’t diagnose you with a disease. Here’s why.

While herbal and natural healing remedies can be relied upon throughout generation in many cultures, their use often has little concrete scientific evidence to back it up. Sure, lavender has naturally-occurring chemicals that establish its distinctive smell and make it anti-microbial, but that doesn’t mean that its used in hospitals. Its important for all tea consumers, and those of natural and other organic or otherwise mass-produced health products, to understand that the FDA has not endorsed or evaluated claims about their use. The FDA has not signed off on any of the benefits I write about throughout the site; although there are many resources available that tout them. And its important for that message to be clear.

A note about me: I’m in year two of a phenomenal online public policy grad program so talking public policy, federal agencies, and regulation is well within my wheelhouse. I also spend much of my time mindlessly consuming dark and depressing news and stress-scrolling news sites.

The FDA, the Food and Drug Administration, is a federal body within the Department of Health and Human Services. Its tasked with regulating consumable foods and medicines in the United States. Its role is vital; our prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines, food safety, and other essential parts of American consumption are subject to approval of the FDA. They recall meats, vegetables, and snacks that have been exposed to E. coli. They reject potential pharmaceutical drugs that haven’t adequately demonstrated safety or effectiveness. They employ hundreds of public servants to perform inspections and enact their missions. They may as well be an old-school band with a number of top five hits; nobody seriously argues that they aren’t essential to the way things work here.

Now that we’ve acknowledged the FDA and its greatest hits, let’s talk a bit about its flops. As demonstrated by the shutdown in the winter of this year, it is susceptible to lapses in service due to partisan activity, like many other agencies. They have a direct, complicit role in the present opioid crisis. Their presence in the landscape of new food innovations is a bit of an oxymoron:  they are everywhere, everyone relies on them as an authority, but they seem to be glaringly absent in significant situations related to the health and food safety of citizens.

In sum, we need the FDA, but its also wise for us all to do our own research and stay aware of gaps in the FDA’s understanding. Herbal teas aren’t instant miracle cures, but there are scores of anecdotal evidence that illustrate their effectiveness. So, its always wisest to be as informed as you can on your own. Speak to your doctor if you’re on any medications for chronic conditions. And limit the amount of any herbal tea that you drink to 6 to 8 servings a day, depending on your body weight.

Also, if you have specific questions about the content, quality, and benefits of any tea or herb in particular that is available for sale on this site, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email! Happy brewing. Happy healing. I’m sipping an icy cold cup of Mint, Meet Mint/lemon balm/lemon zinger tea for thirst and a bit of indigestion as we speak that’s sweet and divine. I wish you all equally satisfying beverages.

Until next time,
